.. _api-changelog: API Changelog ============= 2024.7.0 (unreleased) --------------------- Breaking Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``GET @dossier-transfers//blob/``: New endpoint to download document blobs of a dossier transfer. - ``GET @dossier-transfers/?full_content=1``: New mode to fetch full content representation for dossier transfers. 2024.6.0 (2024-03-22) --------------------- Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Add `restrict_downloading_documents` field to workspace for restricting guests in downlading and printing documents 2024.5.0 (2024-03-07) --------------------- Nothing changed in this version. 2024.4.0 (2024-02-23) --------------------- Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Include responsible_actor in tasktree response. - ``DELETE @dossier-transfers/``: New endpoint to delete a dossier transfer. - ``GET @dossier-transfers/``: New endpoint to fetch a dossier transfer. - ``GET @dossier-transfers``: New endpoint to list dossier transfers. - ``POST @dossier-transfers``: New endpoint to create dossier transfers. 2024.3.0 (2024-02-09) --------------------- Nothing changed in this version. 2024.2.0 (2024-01-24) --------------------- Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Add `related_todo_list` field to workspace agenda items. - Add `getObjPositionInParent` metadata to documents and mails. 2024.1.0 (2024-01-11) --------------------- Breaking Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Update KUB api from ``v1`` to ``v2``. KUB ``v2023.18.0`` is required. Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``@globalsources``: Add new source ``all_contacts`` which returns active and inactive contacts. 2023.15.0 (2023-12-13) ---------------------- Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``@actors`` endpoint returns an additional property ``login_name`` which should be used for display of usernames and groupnames. - ``@ogds-users`` and ``@ogds-groups`` include `groupname` and `username` for groups and users. - The api will now always return the ``uid`` of summary serialized objects. - The dossiers responsible field support now also usernames not just userids. - The ``@ogds-users`` endpoint supports now also username as parameter not just the userid. - The task issuer and responsible field support now also usernames not just userids. 2023.14.0 (2023-11-09) ---------------------- Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``@globalsources``: The ``all_users_and_groups`` source now also returns inactive groups. - ``@listing`` endpoint whitelists the ``location`` field. - ``@config``: Add ``grant_role_manager_to_responsible`` feature flag. 2023.13.0 (2023-09-21) ---------------------- Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - @favorites: return ``is_locked_by_copy_to_workspace`` for resolved documents if the ``workspace_client`` feature is activated. - Exposes the ``is_locked_by_copy_to_workspace`` attribute for document serializers if the ``workspace_client`` feature is activated. - ``@solrsearch`` and ``@listing``: ``is_locked_by_copy_to_workspace`` is provided for documents if the ``workspace_client`` feature is activated. 2023.12.0 (2023-09-08) ---------------------- Breaking Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - The task api serialization provides a new ``is_current_user_responsible`` flag. - ``oc_attach_is_mail_fileable``: New endpoint to check if OC attach mail will be fileable. - The ``@schema`` endpoint supports now a display mode. 2023.11.0 (2023-06-29) ---------------------- Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Expose ``property_sheets`` in the @system-information endpoint. - Expose ``dossier_participation_roles`` in the @system-information endpoint. - Add a new endpoint: ``@system-information`` which provides additional information about the current deployment. - ``@tus-upload``: Allow to pass a ``document_date`` metadata header to manually set the documents date - ``@notifications``: GET now returns unread notifications sorted first. 2023.10.0 (2023-06-14) ---------------------- Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Whitelist the ``related_items`` field for the ``@listing`` endpoint - ``@listing-stats``: Allow POST requests against the endpoint. This allows us to get around the length-limit of GET requests. - ``@listing-stats``: No longer escapes querie-chars to allow complex queries 2023.9.0 (2023-05-30) --------------------- Nothing changed in this version. 2023.8.0 (2023-05-05) --------------------- Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Add ``workspace_document_urls`` in document serialization. 2023.7.0 (2023-04-19) --------------------- Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``@navigation`` endpoint excludes trashed items. - Add new ``@validate-repository`` endpoint. 2023.6.0 (2023-04-10) --------------------- Nothing changed in this version. 2023.5.0 (2023-03-23) --------------------- Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Add duplicate-strategies to the ``@globalindex`` endpoint. 2023.4.0 (2023-03-09) --------------------- Nothing changed in this version. 2022.3.0 (2023-02-22) --------------------- Nothing changed in this version. 2023.2.0 (2023-02-09) ---------------------- Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Support ``participations`` in ``@document-from-template`` endpoint when KuB feature is enabled (see :ref:`templatefolder`). 2023.1.0 (2023-01-11) ---------------------- Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Add a new endpoint: ``@config-checks`` to validate the current deployment. - Add the attribute ``is_manager`` tot the ``@config`` endpoint. - Use correct ``bumblebee_checksum`` for document versions in document serialization. 2022.24.0 (2022-12-06) ---------------------- Breaking Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Dossier templates: The ``comments`` field has been removed. Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Workspace and workspace folders serialization contains a new attribute ``can_access_members``. - ``@participations`` and ``@@workspace-content-members`` is no longer available for guests in workspaces with enabled ``hide_member_details`` option. 2022.23.0 (2022-11-24) ---------------------- Nothing changed in this version. 2022.22.0 (2022-11-09) ---------------------- Breaking Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``@participations``: Returns an active-flag for each available role. - ``@solrsearch``: The results can now be filtered by ``-@id_parent`` or ``-url_parent``. - ``@participations``: Add field ``notify_user`` to POST workspace request. - ``@config``: Add ``template_folder_url`` key to expose the path to the template_folder. - ``@upload-document-copy``: Is now available on workspace folders as well. - ``@copy-document-to-workspace``: Also allow copying documents to workspace folders - ``@prepare-copy-dossier-to-workspace``: New endpoint to prepare copying a subdossier to a workspace. 2022.19.0 (2022-09-28) ---------------------- Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``@participation``: Sort dossier participations by ``participant_title``. - Include title in private folder serialization. - Current participants are now filtered out in ``@possible-participations`` endpoint. 2022.18.0 (2022-09-13) ---------------------- Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``@linked-workspace-invitations``: New endpoint to invite users from GEVER into a workspace. 2022.17.0 (2022-08-30) ---------------------- No api changes in this release 2022.16.0 (2022-08-17) ---------------------- Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``@ogds-user-listing``: Add ``job_title`` field. 2022.15.0 (2022-08-03) ---------------------- Breaking Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``@unlink-workspace``: Add field ``deactivate_workspace``. (see :ref:`unlink-workspace`) - ``@document-from-template`` now also supports a ``sender`` parameter when KuB is active. 2022.14.0 (2022-07-20) ---------------------- Breaking Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``@journal``: Rename `comments` attribute for GET @journal entries to `comment` which is the expected naming in the POST request Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``@journal``: Returns a new attribute ``category`` for journal-entries. - ``@journal``: Returns a new attribute ``is_editable`` for journal-entries. - ``@journal``: Provides PATCH for manual journal entries (only available for new manual journal entries). - ``@journal``: Provides removing of manual journal entries with DELETE method (only available for new manual journal entries). - ``@journal``: Returns the ``@id`` and ``id`` of a journal-entry. - ``@journal``: Properly deserializes category values provided by the vocabulary. We can now send category with ``{ 'token': 'information' }``. - ``@journal``: POST and PATCH support setting the ``time`` field. 2022.13.0 (2022-07-07) ---------------------- Breaking Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``@solrsearch``: The Solr query parser has been switched from Lucene to eDisMax. The ``q`` and ``q.raw`` parameters now behave identically and both expect a query in eDisMax syntax. Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``@journal``: Provides filtering and searching. - ``@participations``: Add field ``primary_participation_roles``. (see :ref:`dossier-participations`) - ``@participations``: Improve error messages for DELETE endpoint. - Include additional_ui_attributes in KuB entity serialization. - ``@actors``: Also handle groupids with group prefix. 2022.12.0 (2022-06-21) ---------------------- Breaking Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``@responses``: Responses can no longer be edited if they are not of type comment. - ``@actual-workspace-members`` endpoint is replaced by the ``@workspace-content-members``. (see :ref:`docs `) Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``@responses``: Add DELETE endpoint. - ``@responses``: Set modifier and modified in PATCH endpoint. - ``@ogds-user-listing`` now supports filtering by group membership. - ``@share-content``: Add `notify_all` param to share content with all authorized participants. - A new endpoint ``@attendees-presence-states`` is added (see :ref:`docs `). 2022.11.0 (2022-05-24) ---------------------- Breaking Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``@config`` endpoint does not return ``usersnap_api_key`` anymore. Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - A new ``@ogds-sync`` endpoint allows to start an OGDS synchronisation. 2022.10.0 (2022-05-11) ---------------------- Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - A new endpoint ``@ui-actions`` is added (see :ref:`ui_actions`). 2022.9.0 (2022-04-26) --------------------- Breaking Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``@tasktree``: Endpoint does no longer return the ``is_task_addable_in_main_task`` but provides a ``is_task_addable`` and ``is_task_addable_before`` attribute for each item. - No longer allow to change task responsible via PATCH request. Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``@tus-upload``: Only clean up file system data after successful commit. - ``@tus-upload``: Allow uploading a file if the document has no file yet. 2022.8.0 (2022-04-12) --------------------- Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``@copy-document-from-workspace``: Error responses now include ``translated_message``. - Add new endpoint ``@task-template-structure``. - Add new endpoint ``@process`` (see :ref:`process`). 2022.7.0 (2022-03-29) --------------------- Breaking Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``@kub``: A 404 error is returned if a contact cannot be resolved. Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``@external-activities``: ``notification_recipients`` now also accepts group IDs. - ``@external-activities``: Privileged users may now create notifications for other users (see :ref:`external-activities`) - ``@config``: Add ``workspace_creation_restricted`` feature flag. 2022.6.0 (2022-03-15) --------------------- Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``@navigation``: Return translated title in node ``text``. - ``@role-assignment-reports``: Handle group prefix in principalid. - ``@config``: Add ``dossier_checklist`` feature flag. - ``@participations`` endpoint now also support adding a list of participants. (see :ref:`participation`) - Add new endpoint ``@linked-workspace-participations``. (see :ref:`linked-workspaces`) - ``@dashboard-settings``: Add new endpoint to fetch the current dashboard settings. 2022.5.0 (2022-03-01) --------------------- Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``@white-labeling-settings``: Add field ``dossier_type_colors``. (see :ref:`white-labeling-settings`) - ``@navigation``: Include dossier_type in response. - ``@breadcrumbs`` GET: Include dossier_type in response. - Serialization: Include dossier_type in JSON summary for dossiers. - ``@favorites`` GET: Include dossier_type in response. - Add new endpoint ``@remove-dossier-reference`` - ``@unlink-workspace``: Allow unlinking workspaces even if the dossier is closed. - ``@reference-number``: Add new endpoint and expansion parameter to serialize reference number formatted, sortable and raw. 2022.4.0 (2022-02-16) --------------------- Breaking Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Dossiers: The ``comments`` field has been dropped, and dossiers now support multiple comments via ``responses``. Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``@globalsources``: The ``all_users_and_groups`` source returns now also inactive users. 2022.3.0 (2022-02-02) --------------------- Breaking Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``@solrsearch:``: Change ``path_parent`` filter query to no longer expect physical paths but relative paths instead. Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``@solrsearch``: The results can now be filtered by ``@id_parent`` or ``url_parent``. - ``@actors``: Add ``full_representation`` parameter. (see :ref:`docs `) 2022.2.0 (2022-01-19) --------------------- Breaking Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``@propertysheets``: Change error serialization format for PATCH and POST (to be more frontend-friendly). - ``@propertysheets/``: GET and POST responses now return the same JSON format as accepted by POST as input, not the JSON schemas anymore. The JSON schemas can now be retrieved from the ``@schema`` endpoint (see change below). Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``@propertysheets``: Add PATCH support. - ``@propertysheets``: Add ``id`` and ``@type`` to sheet listing. - ``@schema``: JSON Schemas for propertysheets can now be retrieved with ``GET /@schema/virtual.propertysheet.`` - ``@propertysheet-metaschema``: New endpoint to retrieve schema for propertysheet definitions. 2022.1.0 (2022-01-04) ---------------------- Breaking Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Workspace serialization does no longer return the key `responsible_fullname`. - Support recipient in ``@document-from-template`` endpoint when KuB feature is enabled. - Contact feature in the ``@config`` endpoint is now one of ``plone``, ``sql`` and ``kub``. Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``@config``: added new property ``multiple_dossier_types`` which will be set to true if there is more than one dossier type available. - ``@solrsearch`` and ``@listing``: ``dossier_type`` is added as a new solr index and whitelisted in the ``@listing`` endpoint. - Propertysheets: ``date`` fields are now supported. - ``@listing-custom-fields`` endpoint contains now also the widget information. - ``@solrsearch``: The results can now be filtered by its ``@id``. - ``@solrsearch``: Allow POST requests against the endpoint. This allows us to get around the length-limit of GET requests. - ``@config``: Add ``is_propertysheets_manager`` key to indicate whether user is allowed to manage property sheets. - ``@propertysheets``: Management of property sheets is now also allowed for ``PropertySheetsManager`` role. - ``@solrsearch``: Now supports facetting custom property fields. - Add new endpoint ``@external-activities`` (see :ref:`docs `) - Include sip_delivery_status in the disposition serialization. - Disposition serialization contains now responses. - ``@xhr-upload``: new endpoint to upload documents as a multipart/form-data xhr request. - Include is_completed in sql task serialization. - ``@listing``: Add retention_expiration column. - New endpoints ``@my-substitutes`` and ``@substitutes`` are added (see :ref:`substitutes`). - A new endpoint ``@out-of-office`` is added (see :ref:`out-of-office`). - Include is_absent in actors serialization. - A new endpoint ``@substitutions`` is added (see :ref:`get-substitutions`). - Include email address in workspace and workspace folder serialization. - ``@listing``: Add document_type_label column. - ``@listing``: Add dossier_type_label column. 2021.24.0 (2021-11-30) ---------------------- Breaking Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - @complete-successor-task: ``documents`` payload: Now requires relative paths to the siteroot instead physical paths. The physical path is for internal use only. - Error message and response status code for ForbiddenByQuota errors have changed. Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - @complete-successor-task: ``documents`` payload: now also resolves document references by @id. - @reminders now returns 204 NoContent when no reminder is set. - Added API support for dispositions objects. - Added ``@kub`` endpoint to resolve KuB entities by their ID. 2021.23.0 (2021-11-17) ---------------------- Breaking Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Some error messages have been renamed, but the format how an error is returned stays the same, only the response now usually contains a translated error message and may contain additional metadata. - Toggling a Workspace Todos review state from active to completed and back can be done thorugh the newly introduced `@toggle` endpiont for todos. - Workspace Todos do no longer provide a completed-field. Completing a todo is now done through a workflow transition. - The ``completed`` field in the ``@listing`` is now longer supported, use the ``is_completed`` field instead. Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``@listing``: Add ``todo_lists`` and ``dispositions`` listing (see :ref:`docs `) - Tasks provides an additional attribute ``is_completed``. - Patch request now returns translated values and error messages. 2021.22.0 (2021-11-03) ---------------------- Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Add additional PATCH endpoint ``public-trial-status``. - ``@workflow``: Sequential task transitions now accepts ``pass_documents_to_next_task`` transition parameter. 2021.21.0 (2021-10-20) ---------------------- Breaking Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - task-transition-delegate now expects UIDs for the documents parameter. Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``@webactions``: Support activation and deactivation of context webactions (see :ref:`docs `). 2021.20.0 (2021-10-06) ---------------------- Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Add new endpoint ``@accessible-workspaces`` (see :ref:`docs `) 2021.19.0 (2021-09-21) ---------------------- Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``@propertysheets``: Add ``allow_unmapped`` to ``default_from_member`` options. 2021.18.0 (2021-09-10) ---------------------- Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``@propertysheets``: Add support for defaults from Member properties - ``@propertysheets``: Add support for default TALES expressions - ``@propertysheets``: Add support for default factories - ``@propertysheets``: Add support for static defaults - Add new endpoint ``@reactivate-local-group`` (see :ref:`docs `) - Propertysheets: ``multiple_choice`` fields are now supported. - Prevent changing ``file`` of ``opengever.document.document`` to a non-docx file if it is inside an ``opengever.meeting.proposal``. - Prevent setting ``file`` to ``null`` for ``opengever.document.document`` if it is inside an ``opengever.meeting.proposal``. - Include checkout collaborators and file modification time in document serialization. - Include checkout collaborators, file modification time, lock time and lock timeout in document status. - ``@complete-successor-task``: Prevent transferring checked out documents when completing successor tasks. 2021.17.0 (2021-08-30) ---------------------- Breaking Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``@share-content``: Rename attributes ``users_to`` and ``users_cc`` to ``actors_to`` and ``actors_cc``. Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``@workflow``: Transition ``task-transition-in-progress-resolved`` now accepts ``approved_documents`` transition parameter. - ``@share-content``: Support groups. - ``actual-workspace-members``: Include group users and add ``include_groups`` parameter to include groups. - ``@listing``: Add ``approval_state`` column - Include ``committee`` in proposal serialization. - Include ``proposal``, ``meeting``, ``submitted_proposal`` and ``submitted_with`` in document serialization. - New ``@reference-numbers`` endpoint for administrators (see :ref:`docs `). - Include ``@type``, ``active``, ``portrait_url``, ``representatives`` and ``respresents`` in ``@actors`` endpoint. 2021.16.0 (2021-08-12) ---------------------- Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Allow deleting repository folders over the REST-API. 2021.15.0 (2021-07-30) ---------------------- Breaking Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``@teams`` and ``@team-listing``: Moved to plone site root. - ``@teams``: Supports adding (POST) and updating (PATCH). - ``@role-assignments``: Return a fixed list of roles at the key ``referenced_roles``. - ``@trash``: Always return error message if content is not trashable. Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Add new endpoint ``@unlink-workspace`` (see :ref:`docs `) - Almost all content type serializers provide additional key ``sequence_number``. - Add new endpoint ``@accept-remote-forwarding`` (see :ref:`docs `) - ``@workflow``: Add ``transition_response`` if it exists. - Fix ``@versions`` for documents that do not have an initial version yet (lazy initial version). 2021.14.0 (2021-07-16) ---------------------- Breaking Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``@move``: Restrict moving of documents via API according to the same rules as in the classic UI. - ``@listing``: Add ``sequence_type`` as allowed field (see :ref:`docs `). Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``@config`` endpoint extended with current admin_unit information. - ``@trigger-task-template``: Support overriding the deadline for each task (see :ref:`trigger_task_template` for updated examples). - ``@navigation``: Add ``review_state`` and ``include_context`` parameters (see :ref:`docs `) - Added ``@submit-additional-documents`` endpoint. (see :ref:`docs `) 2021.13.0 (2021-06-25) ---------------------- Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Return specific error messages when quota gets exceeded in the private repository. - Add support for the ``stats`` component to the ``@solrsearch`` endpoint. - ``@watchers``: The endpoint is now also available for documents. (see :ref:`docs `) - `@trash` and `@untrash` endpoints now also work for WorkspaceFolders. - Trashed workspace documents and folders can be deleted. (see :ref:`docs `) - Prevent changing the ``is_private`` field of existing tasks. 2021.11.0 (2021-05-28) ---------------------- Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Add ``primary_repository`` information to the ``@config`` endpoint. - ``@listing``: Fix filtering on values containing spaces. - Dossier and document serialization provides now an additional attribute ``back_references_relatedDossiers`` and ``back_references_relatedItems``. - ``@globalindex``: Include ``containing_subdossier``, ``review_state_label`` and ``sequence_number`` in task serialization. (see :ref:`docs `) - ``@extract-attachments`` endpoint now also works for mails in a workspace. - Update ``@upload-structure`` endpoint to also control for possible duplicates. (see :ref:`docs `) - ``linked-workspaces``: Add field ``workspaces_without_view_permission`` (see :ref:`docs `) 2021.10.0 (2021-05-12) ---------------------- Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - The ``@participations`` endpoint now prevents removing the last ``WorkspaceAdmin`` from a workspace. - Added ``@listing-custom-fields`` endpoint and allow retrieving custom properties in ``@listing``. (see :ref:`docs `) - Added ``@upload-structure`` endpoint. (see :ref:`docs `) 2021.9.0 (2021-04-29) --------------------- Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Task serialization now also returns is_remote_task and responsible_admin_unit_url. - New ``@version`` that returns the historical versions of a document. 2021.8.0 (2021-04-15) --------------------- Breaking Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Deserialization: Years before 1900 will now get rejected for date and datetime fields. 2021.7.0 (2021-04-01) --------------------- Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``@workflow/task-transition-delegate``: Allow to set ``informed_principals``. - ``@solrsearch``: Add ``group_by_type`` parameter (see :ref:`group-by-type`) - ``@listing``: Add ``repository_folders`` and ``template_folders`` listing (see :ref:`docs `) - ``@listing`` endpoint whitelists the ``id`` field. - The endpoint ``@trigger-task-template`` supports overriding ``title`` and ``text`` for each task (see :ref:`trigger_task_template` for updated examples). 2021.6.0 (2021-03-18) --------------------- Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Add ``containing_subdossier_url`` to the document serializer. 2021.5.0 (2021-03-04) --------------------- Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Add new endpoint ``@oneoffixx-templates`` to provide oneoffixx templates over the restapi - Add new endpoint ``@document_from_oneoffixx`` to add a document from a oneoffixx template - Add ``breadcrumbs`` option to the ``@solrsearch`` endpoint, only available for small batch sizes (max. 50 items). Breaking Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - The ``@sharing`` endpoint now returns a batched result set if using the ``search`` param. If using the endpoint with the ``search`` param, it will rename the items key from ``entries`` to the key ``items`` which is the expected key for items in a batched response. 2021.4.1 (2021-02-25) --------------------- Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Add ``creator`` to the document serializer. 2021.4.0 (2021-02-18) --------------------- Breaking Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Rename the attribute ``is_admin_menu_visible`` from the ``@config`` endpoint to ``is_admin``. - (De-)serialization of choice fields for ``custom_properties`` has been changed to support a nested object containing token and title for each term (see :ref:`propertysheets` for updated examples). Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Add ``is_inbox_user`` attribute to the ``@config`` endpoint. - A new endpoint ``@save-document-as-pdf`` is added (see :ref:`save-document-as-pdf`). 2021.3.0 (2021-02-03) --------------------- Breaking Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - tasktemplates: interactive users for the ``issuer`` and ``responsible`` are now stored in the actors format: ``interactive_actor:current_user`` / ``interactive_actor:responsible`` and can now be looked up through the ``@actors`` endpoint. - tasktemplates: The ``responsible_client`` field will no longer be used to identify interactive users for the responsible field. It will be ``None`` for interactive users. The ``responsible_field`` will contain all the necessary information to identify an interactive actor. - ``@create-linked-workspace``, ``@link-to-workspace``: Only available if dossier is open. - ``@notifications``: Only badge notifications are returned (see :ref:`docs `). - ``@tasktree``: Sequential tasks are now sorted on ``getObjPositionInParent`` (see :ref:`docs `). Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - The field ``blocked_local_roles`` is now included in the serialization of documents and repository folders. - ``@listing``: Add ``blocked_local_roles`` as allowed field (see :ref:`docs `). - Add support for english: new field ``title_en`` is returned wherever appropriate (``@schema``, ``@types`` and simple GET for diverse content types) when English is enabled for the deployment. - ``@journal``: Include ``related_documents`` in journal entry serialization (see :ref:`docs `). - The fields ``checked_out`` and ``file_extension`` are now included in the summary serialization of documents and mails. - The field ``custom_properties`` is now included in the ``@schema`` endpoint for Documents and Mails (see :ref:`content-types`). - ``@tasktree``: Attributes ``is_task_addable_in_main_task`` and ``is_task_addable_before`` added (see :ref:`docs `). - ``@notifications``: request method POST is added to mark all notifications as read (see :ref:`docs `). 2021.2.0 (2021-01-20) --------------------- Other Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - A new endpoint ``@white-labeling-settings`` is added (see :ref:`white-labeling-settings`). - ``@config``: New feature flag ``hubspot`` added (see :ref:`config`). - Documents and Mails now support serialization and deserialization of ``custom_properties`` (see :ref:`propertysheets`). - A new endpoint ``@propertysheets`` is added (see :ref:`propertysheets`). 2021.1.0 (2021-01-06) --------------------- Breaking Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``@schema``, ``@types``: Only return ``title_de`` / ``title_fr`` fields if corresponding language is enabled in deployment (see :ref:`translated-titles`). - Serialization: Only serialize values for ``title_de`` / ``title_fr`` fields if corresponding language is enabled in deployment (see :ref:`translated-titles`; applies to Dossiers, Repositoryfolders, and Inboxes).